Spreading Knowledge

Spreading knowledge amongst the women of the world.

Friday, January 7, 2011

For the Males: Girls' Do's and Don'ts

As a girl, I haven't really taken the time to write about male fashion. Fashion in guys is just as important as fashion in girls. In fact, Charles Frederick Worth was the first designer to have his own label sewn onto the garments he had made. In the fashion industry, males dominate.

Although, I've interviewed a couple of ladies, and asked them what they find to be good choices for a male to wear and not to wear.
"I like thoseV-neck collar shirts. Next is no saggy jeans; that's how they wear them in jail. Pull up your pants!"
Outfit 1: Jeans, Shirt

"I like V-neck shirts, skinny ties, graphic tees, and skinny jeans."
Outfit 2: Jeans, Shirt, Tie

"I don't like baggy clothes and dirty shoes."
Don't do the baggy.

Instead try:

Outfit 3: Jeans, shoes

"I like clean cut as in like a dress shirt with a T-shirt underneath and jeans with like Polo shoes. I really hate those that sag, ugh! So nasty!"
Outfit 4: Shoes, Jeans, T-shirt, Dress Shirt

I like it when guys wear hats, plain T-shirts, or flannel shirts. I don't like just wife beaters or sweats/basketball shorts all the time."

Outfit 5: Shirt, Hat

"I like skinny jeans, but not too tight. And cardigans especially!"

Outfit 6: Jeans, Cardigan

"I like sweater vest, skinnies, polos, dickies, new era hats, adidas, nikes, g shock, etc., etc."

Outfit 7: T-shirt, Watch, Shoes, Sweater Vest, Jeans

"I like them to wear hats and dress like Neyo." 

Outfit 8: Jeans, Tie, Shirt, Blazer, Dunks, Fedora

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